Exhibition Guidelines
All Exhibitors and their personnel must observe the rules and regulations stated in this exhibition guidelines while working or present in the exhibition halls:
Helpful Reminders about Ordering:
a) Be sure to order your essential services in advance, including additional electrical services, compressed air connection, furniture and other special requests
b) Place your orders with payments to ensure that your order is fulfilled. Try not to order on-site during the exhibition.
c) Bring copies of all your advance orders for ready reference.
Helpful Reminders on shipping:
a) Ship your freight via a recognised and reliable transport agency to ensure that they arrive on your target date.
b) Be sure to remove all old shipping labels and attach clean labels, with your company name clearly marked, on each carton/case.
c) While making your shipping plans to the exhibition, plan for return of articles after the exhibition is over. Make sure that someone knowledgeable from your company will be on-site; to oversee the out bound shipment of your display and equipment.
d) While transporting your exhibits to the site, Central Excise/Sales Tax documentation must accompany the consignment (Transporter's copy)
e) Be clear and specify what type of freight is desired e.g. Overnight a.m., p.m. second day or deferred service.
f) Clear instructions on how the consignment is to be shipped - target date, venue, stall number/hall, accurate description or piece count.
a) Set up stall on time
b) Try not to change or cancel your order on site.
Stall Equipment and Services:
The exhibitors can be provided with extra electrical and furniture on payment of request for such services. For this they have to contact the official service providers directly before.
a) Badges may be obtained from Exhibitor’s Registration Counter. Badges must be worn at all times to gain admittance to the exhibition hall.
b) During exhibition days, exhibitors are allowed to enter 30 minutes prior to the opening of the exhibition each day and be allowed to remain 30 minutes after the close of the exhibition.
c) Hand carried items or equipment going out of the exhibition hall will require an exit pass. A company letter-head with item description and the quantity must be mentioned and the stamp of “ASSICON 2014" be obtained from the exhibition helpdesk.
d) On the day preceding the event, exhibitors should submit the letter of participation issued by the organisers along with a duly stamped authority letter mentioning the name of employees/representative to the organiser’s office in the exhibition area before taking possession of the booked space (open space or built in stall). The authority letter may be required as a security measure and the organisers will have every right to deny access to such employees/representatives/contractors not furnishing authority letter on demand.
e) Exhibitors are requested to inform the organisers in case they require security personnel on payment basis for their Stalls during set-up and dismantling. No security staff other than those authorised by the organisers will be allowed in exhibition halls. The halls will be sealed during non-exhibition hours and nobody will be permitted to remain in the exhibition hall after the exhibition has closed for the day.
f) While the organisers will maintain security surveillance at all times throughout the exhibition, loss of personal items, official items will not be the responsibility of the organisers. Please ensure that your stall is not left unattended at any time. Particular care should be taken of small portable items, tools and instruments and high value items.
g) For security reasons unattended packages/objects are liable to be removed instantly.
No Delivery /Replenishment /Removal of exhibits during exhibition hours:
Removal or delivery of exhibits and other exhibition stores in and out of the exhibition hall during the exhibition hours is not permitted. Such removal, delivery or replenishment of stock may only be carried out before opening hours in the morning or after closing time in the evening.
To remove any item or your display from the Hall during the show days 'EXIT PASS' must be obtained from the organisers’ office. This is necessary for security reasons. At the end of the event on, exhibitors may arrange for packing and clearance of their exhibits. All goods must be removed from the site by after that time, materials stall and exhibits will be considered abandoned and will be disposed of and penalty for unauthorized occupation of Exhibition premises will be levied.
Manning of stalls / audio / video equipment:
Your stall must be fully staffed and operational throughout the open hours of the exhibition. Exhibitors should not participate in any activity, which causes or is likely to cause annoyance to visitors or other exhibitors. In particular, audio/visual display equipment must be positioned and sound levels so adjusted to avoid disturbance to neighbouring stalls. In the event of any disagreement, the decision of organisers in this matter is final.
Censorship of Film/Audio Demonstration:
Cassettes, tapes and other materials should have been cleared by the respective authorities, if applicable.
Exhibitors are responsible for the cost of making well or replacing any damages or dilapidations to the exhibition premises, whether caused by themselves, their agents, contractors or by any person or persons employed or engaged on their behalf by such agents or contractors.
The cost of making good any damage will be assessed by the official shell scheme contractor and charged to the exhibitor. The show organisers in consultation with Hyatt Regency officials will inspect the hall before build-up and after dismantling of the stalls.
Force Majeure:
The Exhibition may be postponed, shortened or extended due to any cause, whatsoever outside the control of the exhibition organisers. The organisers shall not be responsible for any loss sustained by the exhibitors, directly or indirectly, on account of elements of nature, force majeure or orders and directives imposed by any governmental authority. In the event of such circumstances, the organisers may refund some part of the amount paid by the participants at their sole discretion. Their decision in this regard will be final.
Under the conditions of Force Majeure, which also include Act of God, strike, lockout, bandh or riot, act of terrorism, natural calamities and other events and decisions beyond the control of the Organisers; the Organisers are entitled to alter the opening dates and duration, or even cancel the entire exhibition.
Authority on the premises:
The organisers shall be responsible for and be entitled to act as the owners of the premises throughout the tenancy period. The decision of the organisers on any problem or dispute will be final.
Safety and Behaviour:
No person present inside the exhibition halls is to behave or act in a manner that may cause harm, injury or damage to other persons or exhibits, nor to exhibition hall property or fixtures.
Additional Power requirements:
Vendor Name has been appointed as our official Power Supplier. Any exhibitor, who needs additional Power & Compressed Air must fill the additional Power require form enclosed within and send to Vendor Name directly by date. Additional power will be provided at an extra charge.
Return of rental furniture:
Please check that nothing is left inside drawers or cupboards when returning the furniture to the contractor.
Floral Decorations/Manpower:
a) Cut flowers, bouquets, etc. will be available on payment. Kindly contact our official Floral contractor directly during the Event.
b) Manpower/Ushers will also be available on payment during the Exhibition.
Display and stall decoration:
Construction and decoration of stalls will be governed by the following guidelines:
a) Products/exhibits particularly the operative machines must be placed at least 1 m away from the boundary of open sides of the stall. No part of any exhibit should project out of the stall boundaries.
b) Clustering or crowding of exhibits in the stalls is not allowed. At least 1 meter gap between two machines / exhibits is required. 30% of the stall space must be left free for movement of visitors and for safety requirement during demonstration of exhibits
c) Grouting or drilling in the Octonorm walls / floor is not allowed. However in case of heavy exhibits, Exhibitors may be allowed to install at their own cost concrete blocks / platforms on the polyethylene sheet without damaging the floor.
d) Partitions and/or dividers in the stall are allowed subject to the following conditions:
i. These are not erected in the open side of the stall.
ii. The height of the partition or divider does not exceed 1.75 m.
iii. Both sides of the partition wall are properly finished or painted; particularly the side from the neighbouring stall side should not look unfinished. It would be desirable that side partitions are made with MUTUAL agreement with neighbour stalls.
e) Display panels, name boards, sample holders, photographs and other display materials are permitted in the stall subject to the condition that their height does not exceed 1.5 m.
f) Show-cases are permitted subject to the condition that their height does not exceed 1.5 m and they are placed at least 1m away from the open side of the stall.
g) Spotlights, small machine lamps or reading lamps are permitted, provided these are fitted along the Stall structure erected within the limits of above mentioned specified heights.
h) Exhibitors should not take support of any permanent structure in Exhibition hall for decoration purposes.
i) Electrical wiring should conform to safety standards.
j) Noise levels should be within the permissible limits.
k) The height of any exhibitor panels should not exceed 2.5 m (for Built-up stalls).
l) Exhibitors who have taken bare space must submit their stall construction and decoration plan to the organisers and take their concurrence before start of construction. The construction plans must be submitted for consideration before Date.
m) In case of mezzanine construction, stability certificate for the design should be obtained from authorized structural engineer and submitted by to the organisers by Date
n) Exhibitors must bear the responsibility for performance and behavior of their appointed contractors.
o) No part of any structure may extend beyond the boundaries of the site allocated.
p) No suspensions are to be made from the ceiling of the Exhibition Halls. No fixing be made to the floor, walls or any part of the buildings.
q) A suitable floor covering, such as carpet or matting must be provided for all stalls.
r) A back wall, except in the case of an island or peninsula stall, must be provided.
Stall Design and Decoration:
For shell scheme stalls, Kuoni Destination Management has been appointed as the official infrastructure service provider (OISP) and can be contacted for other additional accessories as mentioned. Contact details of Kuoni Destination Management are mentioned at the bottom of the Guidelines.
Administration of Exhibition Hall:
The administration of exhibition hall will be controlled by ASSICON 2014 organiser’s site office in Hyatt Regency control room. Participants should contact ASSICON staff at the site office or at exhibition help desk for taking possession of their stall and for information as to how to obtain various exhibition services.
Representatives of the clearing/forwarding agencies, travel agencies, shell contractors, etc., will be available at the ASSICON site office for support and assistance to the participants.
Storage, Cleaning & Removal of Waste:
Arrangements for storage facilities for package cases, surplus materials, etc. may be coordinated with official logistics service providers. Service charges are payable to the logistics service agency. During the move-in, construction of stalls and removal of exhibits, the passage ways in the exhibition halls must not be obstructed with exhibits, construction materials or debris. Contractors of stalls are responsible for removing their own off-cuts/waste each day of build and break down. Exhibitors are requested to place the waste bins in the aisle at the closing hours of the show each day, from where it will be removed by the cleaners. The show organisers reserve the right to invoice exhibitors for placing excessive packing materials, discarded crates or cartons and stall building materials on the aisles. Exhibitors are advised to use waste-bins in their stalIs for throwing waste material.
Liabilities & Insurance:
The exhibition organisers will not accept liability for loss or damage to any exhibit or injury to exhibitor’s personnel at any time. ASSICON 2014 does not insure the personnel and property of individual exhibitors whether in transit or within or outside the conference and exhibition premises. Exhibitors must insure their personal merchandise, equipment, furniture, fittings etc. adequately. It would be advisable for the exhibitors to take Insurance Policies covering the following :
a) Machinery & Other Exhibits
b) Transit and loading & Un-loading of machines
c) Exhibition personnel
Entry/Exit Procedure:
Letter of participation will be issued by the organisers to all the confirmed exhibitors by 15 January 2014.
Pass has to be taken from the organisers’ office for taking possession of stalls.
The transporter is required to show the admit pass invoice and packing list of the exhibits for ASSICON 2014 to the security office at the gate. Representatives taking possession of the stall should carry an authorization letter from the participating company.
All exhibitors will be issued forms for exit passes after 12 noon on 24 Jan 2014. The exit passes will be issued to you at your stall itself. Copies of exits pass form must be handed over to the ASSICON 2014 office by 10am on 25 Jan 2014.
These forms will be scrutinised by site office and will be returned to the exhibitors on 25 Jan 2014 provided all dues are settled by time. The organisers will not be responsible for any delay in removing materials due to delay in submitting the forms.
Exhibitor Badge Instruction:
Exhibitor vendor/contractor badges are for stall personnel only (those who need access to the show floor for set- up prior to show opening each day of the show). Do not request exhibitor vendor/contractor badges for invited guests, visitors & company executives who will not be working in your stall.
Exhibitor identification badges for your exhibit staff/company executives must be ordered using Exhibition Registration Form. Please complete and e-mail the scanned copy of form to register in advance. Confirmations will be emailed in advance on receipt of the form. Exhibitor’s registration will start on Date, time & Venue. Exhibitor’s badges will be issued on Date itself at the time of registration of exhibitor.
Stall Assistance:
Male or female stall assistants with tradeshow/exhibition experience and fluency in English and Bengali can be used by the exhibitors. It is advised that you may hire your stall assistants a day before the exhibition so that you can brief them properly about your products and the organization.
Liability account of damage to Hyatt Regency and others:
Any damage to floor or structure, fittings etc., of Hyatt Regency Hotel, other exhibitors, official service providers will have to be made good by exhibitors.
General Fire and Safety Regulations:
a) Exhibitors should ensure that all materials used in construction and decoration of stall and exhibits are fire retardant
b) All exits, entry areas and exit aisles must be kept clear and unobstructed.
c) The furniture display of the exhibitor must strictly be contained within the exhibitor's stall area and should not protrude into the aisle.
d) Compressed gas cylinders, including LPG are prohibited in the exhibition area.
e) All temporary wiring must be accessible and the aisle must be free from debris and storage material.
f) No storage of any kind is allowed behind stalls or near electrical services.
g) All electrical wiring, fitting etc. will be done strictly by the organiser’s authorized electrical contractors.
h) All empty cartons and crates must be removed and arrangements for storage are to be made by exhibitors direct.
i) Flammable or combustible liquids are prohibited inside the Exhibition hall.
j) Helium balloons are not allowed inside the halls.
k) No live fire is allowed.
l) No counter sale is allowed.
Note: Smoking and consumption of alcoholic beverages is strictly prohibited inside the exhibition halls.
Care of Building and Equipment:
Exhibitors or their agents must not damage or deface the exhibition facility or exhibits and equipment of other exhibitors. When such damage occurs, the concerned exhibitors responsible are liable to the owner of the property so damaged.
Children under 16 years will not be permitted on the show floor during move-ins, show hours and move-outs.
Transportation Regulations:
a) No standing or parking of vehicles will be allowed inside the exhibition hall.
b) No overnight parking of trucks/tempos is permitted on the exhibition days during move-ins, show hours & move-outs.
Electrical Supply & Installations:
Hall lighting will be provided by show organisers.
The standard electrical voltage available for use on stalls at the exhibition is 230 volts single-phase A.C. at 50Hz, and 415 volts 4-wire-three- phase and neutral alternating at 50Hz. Fluctuations can be expected. Exhibitors whose equipment is particularly sensitive should arrange for stabilizers. Organisers will not be responsible for any damage to machine due to power fluctuations.
Supplies to stalls will normally be switched off at source 30 minutes after the exhibition closes each day (15 minutes on the final day). Any exhibitor requiring electrical power supply at times other than show hours should make an application to the management office before 15 Jan 2014 for checking up feasibility for such services. Supplies cannot be arranged at short notice. Cost of additional supply must be borne by the exhibitor.
Exhibitors who have ordered additional electrical items in advance are requested to show the location of extras on their stall design. All electrical installations on stalls must be carried out by the official electrical contractor.
NB: Flashing lights and neon-signs are not permitted.
Demonstration and Working of Exhibits:
Any exhibitor intending to demonstrate exhibit on his stall must:
a) Provide the organisers with full details in writing of any working exhibits involving moving parts, naked flame, lasers or other hazardous exhibits.
b) Give proper consideration to the safety conditions under which the exhibits will be demonstrated, including safety guards and screens to prevent accident or injury to both visitors and staff.
c) Cause no annoyance to visitors or other exhibitors. Where a high level of noise, heat, or other objectionable factors are involved, demonstrations may only take place at the times stipulated by the show organisers who reserve the right to terminate a demonstration at any time.
d) Ensure that no naked flame is used in any demonstration in the exhibition premises.
e) Isolate controls and switches so that machinery cannot be activated by accident or interference by visitors.
f) In case of dispute, the show organisers ruling will be final.
Stall Fittings Regulations (Official Shell Scheme) Shell Scheme Stall Details:
Prefab stalls as per layout using Octonorm system – Aluminium extrusions of powder coated vertical pillars and horizontal channels with panels using locking device.
Using white color polycom laminated panels of 1mtr width and 2.5mtr height and fixing powder coated vertical pillars on the sides and horizontal channels at the top and bottom.
Using color laminated board and fixing in between 2 Nos of horizontal channels at the fascia. Names – Preparing the participant’s names using white vinyl and fixing on the name board.
Complete electrical wiring inside the stall and fixing 3 nos. spotlight fittings with bulbs and 1 no. 5 amps socket for every 9 sq.m. Stall. 1kw of power will be given for every built up stall of 9 sq.m.
Providing 1 no. table using octonorm system with 12mm laminated top, front and sides, providing 2 no’s black folding chairs and 1 trashcan for every stall 9 sqm stall.
Providing & laying synthetic needle punch carpet on the floor for stall area and covering it with polythene roll till the inauguration, providing & laying synthetic needle punch carpet for the pathway with old bit carpets for packing the ducts & foam on top of the cables & wires and maintaining the same throughout the exhibition period.
a) The furniture and electrical quantity will be supplied as per schedule
b) Drilling/nailing/pasting with adhesives not permitted on the pillars / channels & panels. Only double-sided foam tape allowed for fixing the panels on the walls panels.
c) No damage allowed to the carpets inside the Stall & the pathway.
No additional Stall fittings or display may be attached to the shell Stall structure. No nailing or drilling will be allowed. If you require assistance in hanging or displaying your exhibits, please consult the official Shell Contractor.
No Painting or wall papering of the shell Stall panels will be allowed. Exhibitors who wish to have panels painted must inform the official shell scheme contractor who will provide estimates on cost involved.
Any change to the type or color of the floor covering provided, must be by prior permission of with the shell scheme contractor. Any cost incurred must be borne by the exhibitor.
No financial credit will be given by the organisers for any package item not utilized.

The organisers reserve the right to modify/change any of the guidelines/provisions/rules /regulations/time schedule at any time in the interest of the exhibition and their decision in this regard is final.
Bare Space Exhibitors:
a) Bare Space exhibitors will not be eligible for Shell Scheme Package. They will be provided only the bare exhibition space, where they will be required to construct their own stall.
i. Marked floor space will be given as per final layout
ii. The height of the stall can go up to 2 m.
iii. Temporary power will be given from the nearest DB for working
iv. Final power will be given by Kuoni Destination Management as per the actual requirement @ extra cost
v. The stall designer should clear their material @ site before and after the show.
b) All exhibitors will be provided with common amenities/services as follows:
i. General Lighting in the Exhibition Hall.
ii. Carpeting in the common passages
iii. Common security inside and outside the Exhibition Hall.
iv. Daily cleaning of the gangways.